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 AEIRS Fellow Information

The highest honor the AEIRS can bestow on a member is the designation of Fellow. The Fellow category was established to honor AEIRS members who have made exceptional contributions to AEIRS, radiologic sciences education, and the profession. We encourage members to review the Fellow application on the AEIRS website to determine whether they meet the established criteria in each category to qualify for elevation to Fellow status. The application can be downloaded below.


The annual application deadline for the installation of Fellows is February 1. One of the most important tasks in preparing the application is gathering the supporting materials (proof of points). It is never too early to begin the process of organizing this documentation. We encourage members to review the application to determine whether you meet the established criteria in each category to qualify for 2025. Applications must be completed electronically with verification/proof of points scanned and sent with the application. Once submitted, applications are forwarded to the members of the Fellows Committee for evaluation. All applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision, and Fellow designation will be bestowed upon those members who qualify for Fellow status at the 2025 AEIRS Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas.

If you have questions after reviewing the applications, or need assistance in the process, please don’t hesitate to contact one of us.


2024-2025 Fellows Committee


Laura Aaron – Chair 


Tammy Webster


Elwin Tilson

Thank you for submitting the Fellow Application Fee

©2024 by Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, Inc.

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