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Life Member and Honorary Member Information

Nominate a Life Member for Elevation

Who has made a difference in your professional life? Who is your mentor?


The AEIRS Board of Directors would like to remind you of the opportunity to recommend a colleague for consideration of elevation to Life Member status in the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences. Letters of nomination should describe the individual’s accomplishments and the continuous, significant impact your nominee has made to the AEIRS and our profession.


Here is the description from the AEIRS bylaws:


Life members shall be members of the Association who have rendered outstanding services and shall be approved by the membership, upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, by majority vote during the annual election of officers. Life members shall pay no dues. Life members shall be identified as either active or associate members based on their qualifications and shall have the privileges and obligations of their membership category.


Please send your nomination letter to the AEIRS Operations Manager at no later than December 1st for consideration of elevation at the following AEIRS Annual Meeting.  It is so important to acknowledge the professionalism, achievements and service of our peers!

Nominate a Honorary Member for Elevation

The AEIRS Board of Directors would like to remind you of the opportunity to recommend an individual for the elevation to Honorary Member status in the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences. Letters of nomination should describe the accomplishments of the individual being nominated and emphasize the significance of those accomplishments.


Here is the description from the AEIRS bylaws:


Honorary members shall be those individuals, who because of the interest they have evidenced in the activities and aims of the Association, the Association wishes to honor. Honorary members shall be approved by the membership, upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, by majority vote during the annual election of officers. Honorary members shall pay no dues and shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Association except the right to vote and hold office or serve as chairperson of committees or liaison to outside organizations.


Send your recommendation to the AEIRS Operations Manager at by December 1st for elevation at the following AEIRS Annual Meeting. 

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