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A Message From AEIRS President Kori Stewart:


As you now know one of the major initiatives of the AEIRS this coming year is to investigate, identify, and work toward implementing a new website/AMS and technology to serve you better - and because my personal and professional interests include areas of emerging technologies and AI - I asked Chat GPT to tell me “Why AEIRS?”.  This is what GPT told me:


“Members of the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences (AEIRS) benefit from access to specialized resources, networking opportunities, and professional development tailored to enhance their expertise and career growth in the field of medical imaging and radiologic sciences.”


And I agree!  I then asked GPT to give me an image for the AEIRS - this is what it told me:


“I can't create images directly, but I can describe an idea for an image that you could create or commission:

Description: Imagine an image featuring a diverse group of radiologic science educators engaged in a collaborative discussion around a table, with a digital whiteboard in the background displaying complex medical images (like X-rays or MRIs) and educational charts. The educators could be pointing at the images and charts, indicating an active exchange of ideas. Around the edges, you could incorporate icons or smaller images representing professional development, networking (like a handshake or connected dots), and educational resources (such as books or laptops).”


And if you are a visual person, like I am - I hope you would agree this is a pretty accurate description of AEIRS, and one that I hope to continue strengthening as President.  And, well, because GPT was on a roll. I then shamelessly asked it to help me with the rest of this message.


As I step into the role of President of AEIRS, I am deeply honored to have served on the Board for the past 3 years, as Secretary/Treasurer and President-Elect, and I am looking forward to continuing to serve you over the next 2 years. These past and current experiences on the Board have provided invaluable insights into our organization’s inner workings and fueled my passion for advancing our mission and profession.


Throughout its storied history, AEIRS has been a catalyst for academic growth, scholarship, and innovation in the field of imaging and radiologic sciences. My tenure on the Board has reinforced my belief in the importance of supporting the academic endeavors and scholarly pursuits of our members. 


As President, I am committed to ensuring that AEIRS continues to be a steadfast champion of academic excellence and professional development and to cultivate an environment characterized by inclusive and engaging collegiality, innovation, and a bias toward action. I envision AEIRS as a vibrant community where educators from all modalities within the radiologic and imaging science profession come together to exchange ideas, collaborate on innovative projects, and inspire one another to reach new heights of excellence.


I extend my gratitude to the outgoing and continuing leadership, the dedicated members of AEIRS, our partners, and sponsors for their unwavering support. Together, we will continue to inspire, innovate, and lead with passion and purpose as we shape the future of imaging and radiologic sciences education.


Thank you for your trust, your commitment, and your partnership. Let us embrace the opportunities that await us and work tirelessly to fulfill the vision of AEIRS as a beacon of excellence, inclusivity, and transformative impact.

Our Mission

AEIRS supports the transformative development of exceptional medical imaging and radiologic science professionals through the promotion of academic excellence.

Our Values

  • We operate ethically with honesty and transparency.

  • We are responsible stewards of the association through our financial, professional, and personal actions.

  • We are committed to supporting all individuals equally and fairly.

Statement of Commitment to Membership

​A subcommittee of the Board of Directors along with membership representative, Angela Thomas, recently drafted a statement of AEIRS Commitment to Members that was approved by the Board of Directors at the December meeting. The statement is below.


AEIRS strongly believes that our unique membership comes from our ability to intentionally develop strategies that embrace and support all members and their individual gifts and talents. We strive to ensure that all members feel valued, appreciated, and free to be who they are and what they represent. We are committed to being nondiscriminatory and providing equitable opportunities for all members.

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Sketched Notice Board

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AEIRS and what are the benefits of joining?


AEIRS is an international professional organization providing resources for education, networking, and research.


AEIRS members network through e-mail and websites, through the Spectrum newsletter, through the peer-reviewed journal Radiologic Science & Education, and especially through contacts at professional meetings where they enjoy reduced registration rates.


Members have opportunities for collaboration with other professional organizations and have a strong voice in the profession.


AEIRS supports its members with resources and support such as research grants, database development, and scholarships for research and special projects and international travel support for scholarly presentations.


More details can be found on our Membership Benefits page.


How can I pay for my AEIRS membership?


Payments can be made by check, credit/debit card, or PayPal.


Credit/debit card and PayPal payments are only available to those purchasing a membership online. 


Check payments must be made payable to AEIRS and mailed (along with completed application) to:



2800 Stafford Avenue #4474

Scranton, PA 18505


More information can be found on our Membership Plans & Pricing page.


How can I get more involved in AEIRS?


Contact any of the Board of Directors listed on this website, or visit the Committee Information page.


Who can run for the AEIRS Board of Directors?


All active members can run for the offices of Secretary/Treasurer or Director at Large. All active AEIRS members who have served on the AEIRS Board of Directors are eligible for the position of President-Elect. AEIRS values its members and welcomes all those interested to run.


We are a voluntary operation and this is a way for you to become more involved with the wonderful people in this organization. More information can be found on our Election page.


How can I get past issues of the Radiologic Science & Education journal or the Spectrum Newsletter?


Past publications are available in the Members Only section of the website. Members must login and select Journals or Newsletters to view these respective publications.


More information about our publications can be found on our Journal & Newsletter page.


Can a library subscribe to Radiologic Science & Education?


The journal is available at a library rate of $35 per calendar year. Contact the AEIRS Office regarding subscriptions.

Contact AEIRS

General Questions:

Event Questions:

Website Questions:

Phone: ‪(570) 647-4118‬

Mailing Address: 

2800 Stafford Avenue #4474

Scranton, PA 18505

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