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Annual Meeting Volunteer Opportunities

The Annual Meeting is the perfect time to meet other members through volunteering. Check out our Annual Meeting page for our most up to date information!

Committee & Appointee Volunteer Opportunities

AEIRS Committee and Appointee Charges



Bylaws Committee


Committee Charges:

  1. Solicit recommendations pertinent to Bylaw changes

  2. Make recommendations to the BoD regarding Bylaw changes to be included in the Mid-year report for BoD review at the Mid-year meeting

  3. Notify membership 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting of the proposed Bylaws changes

  4. Submit verbiage to BOD for approval for Social Media post(s) on any recommendations/changes that require membership to vote on and work with Social Media Committee once approval is received to post on social media accounts

  5. Present all changes to be voted upon by the membership at the Annual Meeting

  6. Conduct a biennial review of Bylaws in the third quarter of odd-numbered years

  7. Perform additional duties as assigned.



Education Committee


Committee Charges:


  1. Chair and Vice Chair should join the ASRT Education Chapter and monitor the Education Community posts for announcements regarding draft professional curricula, accreditation issues and other matters pertinent to educational programs and the membership. Email all relevant materials to the Board Advocate for approval and then email approved material to the Operations Manager, Technical Support Specialist, and Social Media Chair along with an introductory paragraph for posting. Committee members who are ASRT Education Chapter members should assist in this effort.

  2. Identify individuals to represent AEIRS on national professional organization curricular committees and task forces

  3. Assist Event Coordinator and/or Annual Meeting Chair at the Annual Meeting

  4. Collaborate with the Event Coordinator, Operations Manager, Technical Support Specialist, and Board Advocate to create, advertise, offer, and facilitate virtual CE sessions (2-3 CEs) as directed by the board

  5. Collaborate with the Research Committee Chair and Event Coordinator to offer at least one CE related to research and writing at either the Annual Meeting or one webinar(s)

  6. Submit verbiage to BOD for approval for Social Media post(s) on any important events/information and work with Social Media Committee once approval is received to post on social media accounts

  7. Perform all additional duties as assigned



Fellows Committee


Committee Charges:


  1. Review the Fellow document and suggest revisions to the BoD by September 1st

  2. Review the FAQ document regarding the Fellow application and process and suggest revisions to the BoD by September 1st

  3. Encourage members to review the Fellow application to determine whether they meet the established criteria in each category to qualify for Fellow status; work with Social Media Committee to post on social media accounts

  4. Review the AEIRS Fellow Medallion Policy, and suggest revisions to the BoD by January 1st

  5. Evaluate applications for Fellow status using the evaluation point scale and form by February 15th

  6. Notify the AEIRS President and Operations Manager of applicants meeting the criteria for elevation to Fellow status by March 1st

  7. Notify applicants of the Committee’s decision by March 1st

  8. Plan and facilitate the Fellow ceremony for the 2025 Annual Meeting

  9. Perform additional duties as assigned



Leadership Development Committee


Committee Charges:


  1. Work with AEIRS Board of Directors to identify leadership training/development needs

  2. Explore non-profit association leadership trends and identify best practices to create new learning opportunities for those interested in leadership roles within AEIRS

  3. Create educational modules (online and face-to-face delivery methods) to implement the AEIRS Academy of Leadership by 2026

  4. Continue development of Academy of Leadership (including Board mentor assignment)

  5. Promote and support growth of leadership development program and activities

  6. Identify, support and track potential leaders

  7. Develop other methods that can be used to mentor and develop potential leaders

  8. Submit verbiage to BOD for approval for Social Media post(s) on any important events/information and work with Social Media Committee once approval is received to post on social media accounts



Nominating Committee



Committee Charges:


  1. Work with the Operations Manager to send an email call for nominations to all members and request recommendations. Names will be accepted between October and January prior to the 2024 Annual Meeting

  2. Send names of all qualified candidates to the Operations Manager five months (February) prior to the 2024 Annual Meeting

  3. Obtain at least one qualified candidate for the Director-at-Large, and President-elect ballot by the nominating deadline.

  4. Submit verbiage to BOD for approval for Social Media post(s) on any important information and work with Social Media Committee once approval is received to post on social media accounts

  5. Perform all additional duties as assigned



Research Committee


Committee Charges:


  1. Review all research grant application materials and make changes as necessary to ensure clarity of the requirements by September 1st

  2. Review the form used to evaluate research grant applications and make changes as necessary to ensure the objectivity of the reviewers by September 1st

  3. Work with Operations Manager to send an email call for Research Grant applications in late January and assist in identifying applicants

  4. Review applications submitted for the research grant in March and forward the committee’s recommendation(s) to the Operations Manager

  5. Serve as mentors to AEIRS members who need guidance with grant applications.

  6. Collaborate with the Education Committee and Event Coordinator to offer at least one CE related to research and writing

  7. Submit verbiage to BOD for approval for Social Media post(s) on any important information and work with Social Media Committee once approval is received to post on social media accounts

  8. Perform all additional duties as assigned.


Scholarship Committee


Committee Charges:


  1. Review all scholarship application materials and make changes as necessary to ensure the clarity of the requirements by September 1st

  2. Annually review forms used to evaluate all scholarship applications and make changes as necessary to ensure the objectivity of the reviewers by September 1st

  3. Work with the Operations Manager to send an email call for Scholarship applications and assist in identifying applicants

  4. Review applications submitted for AEIRS scholarships in May and forward committee’s recommendations to the Operations Manager

  5. Submit verbiage to BOD for approval for Social Media post(s) on any important information and work with Social Media Committee once approval is received to post on social media accounts

  6. Perform all additional duties as assigned.


Social Media Committee


Committee Charges:


  1. Post information about the AEIRS and AEIRS events, to include the Annual Meeting and all webinars, to all AEIRS social media accounts (Fb, Instagram & LinkedIN)

  2. Post information about candidates who are AEIRS members running in the ASRT elections by February 15th (names, brief biographies, pictures to all Social Media accounts)

  3. Post information about candidates for the AEIRS election as soon as information is available

  4. Review the ASRT Scanner and Radiologic Technology, and highlight AEIRS members publications on AEIRS social media accounts

  5. Create and launch social media posts for at least six of the following special occasions: Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day (Note: these can be humorous if appropriate)

  6. Create and launch social media post regarding the beginning of the academic year by September 1st

  7. Create and launch social media post promoting National Radiologic Technology Week by no later than the first day of that week

  8. Create and launch social media post regarding the end of the academic year by May 1st



Editorial Review Board


Chair Responsibilities:

  1. Blind all manuscripts

  2. Send blinded manuscript and cover letter including deadline to ERB members (at least 2 members, but usually 3-5 members)

  3. When ERB review is returned, compose letter to author with findings (publication as is, publication after minor revisions, publication after major revisions, or not publishable) specific suggestions made by ERB members based on their review of the manuscript, and procedure to be followed by author and deadline for response

  4. After manuscripts are revised by author, returned, and approved by ERB, forward to the Journal Executive Editor

  5. Request a signed, physical Copyright Stipulations form for all manuscripts accepted for publication

  6. Appoint members to the ERB as needed – criteria for appointment:

    1. Must be an active member of AEIRS

    2. Preferably be Doctoral-prepared

  7. Orient new ERB members

  8. Serve no more than three consecutive appointments for Chair and members



Journal Executive Editor


  1. Receive approved manuscripts from Chair of ERB

  2. Review manuscripts for content

  3. Work with President-Elect on publication timetable

  4. Select manuscripts for publication and place in publication timetable

  5. Review manuscripts after layout completed

  6. Approve layout

  7. Write editorial for each edition of Journal

  8. Communicate with publications advocate (President-Elect) and Operations Manager regarding Journal activities and provide recommendations regarding the Journal to the BoD (via the President-Elect)

  9. Identify and communicate with individuals to prepare columns in the Journal (when appropriate).



Magazine Executive Editor


Has the responsibility for assuring the timely release of issues of the AEIRS Magazine which are charged to include the following:

  1. Spring issue – upcoming Annual Meeting program and hotel information, welcome message from Annual Meeting chair, Save the Date for next Annual Meeting, link to workshop registration form (if indicated), other workshop wrap-up (if indicated), link to membership application, new member list, President’s message, BoD contact list, social media, in memoriam, advertising

  2. Fall issue – Annual Meeting wrap-up (highlighting faculty & presentations, honors lecturer, new Fellows, new Life members, new Honorary members, awards winners, silent auction, special donations, conference partner logos, new BoD photo, committee list, save the date upcoming Annual Meeting, call for nominations, spring workshop promo (if indicated), RSNA program, other workshop wrap-up (if indicated), and workshop registration form, link to membership application, new member list, President’s message, new BoD contact list, Facebook promo, in memoriam, advertising

  3. Assure that editions of the Magazine inform the membership on international, national, and regional matters of importance to AEIRS

  4. Advocate submission to the Magazine

  5. Work with authors to assure timely submission of articles and obtain a signed physical Copyright Stipulations form for articles accepted for publication

  6. Assure that an appropriate layout and artwork are maintained

  7. Communicate with publications advocate (President-Elect) and Operations Manager regarding Magazine activities and provide recommendations regarding the Magazine to the BoD (via the President-Elect)

©2024 by Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, Inc.

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